The Rorting of Medibank Private

So, for all those that read my newsletter last month about Medibank Private refusing to recognise newly qualified massage therapists as providers, now we know why: a massive fraud has been perpetrated against MP by 'happy ending' brothels advertising remedial massage therapy. You can read the rather sordid details below, including the rather amusing point [...]

By |2013-11-29T00:35:08+00:00November 27th, 2013|Education|0 Comments

AAMT Conference 2013

Another massage conference over, and a good one this year. Physiotherapist Adam Cootes gave an excellent seminar on the science of chronic pain and its long-term effects on the body. Professor Ian Stevens gave us a kick in the collective backside and urged us to do the research and gather the evidence needed to allow Massage [...]

By |2013-05-29T23:27:35+00:00May 29th, 2013|Education|2 Comments

Scar tissue and massage

Massaging scar tissue after an injury or surgery is essential to restoring and maintaining elasticity and function of the soft tissues involved, including skin, muscle, connective tissue, organs and lymphatic vessels. It is especially important after a Caesarian section because the location and depth of the incision impacts on so many different structures in the [...]

By |2013-05-16T12:10:08+00:00May 16th, 2013|Education|0 Comments

One Mother of a Scoliosis….

"But I, that am not shaped for sportive tricks Nor made to court an amorous looking-glass; . . . Why, I in this weak piping time of peace Have no delight to pass away the time, Unless to spy my shadow in the sun And descant on mine own deformity. And therefore since I cannot [...]

By |2013-05-07T02:31:51+00:00May 5th, 2013|Education|0 Comments

Relax! You’ll Be More Productive

The New York Times' Health section is one of my favourite reads: a cornucopia of fascinating articles on diet, exercise and the latest research into illness and treatment.  In the first of an ongoing series, here's a link to an article which discusses how productivity can be increased by respecting the body's intrinsic rhythms, rather [...]

By |2013-05-08T04:11:51+00:00May 5th, 2013|Education|0 Comments

20 Amazing Facts About The Human Body

In my opinion, it is impossible to experience boredom once you have become acquainted with the structure and workings of the human body. It is a source of endless fascination.  So here, neatly summarised by the Guardian, are 20 amazing facts about that wondrous pink palace we call home:

By |2019-05-31T00:13:35+00:00April 2nd, 2013|Education|0 Comments
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